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Completed Projects

Repository at Kala Kendra


Project Cost : ₹ 7.71 Cr.
Name of Executing Agency : JSCL.
•Project Features
oProvide a proper environment for the purpose of storing records and materials that require permanent protection for      historic and lifetime storage, upkeep, and preservation.
o Archives Friendly Construction of New Repository Building
oProvision of new slotted angles racking system for proper storage management.
oEpoxy flooring and wall paint for repository storage area for efficient housing of archives
oUPVC external windows to maximize the efficiency of air conditioning.
oProvision of lift for vertical movement of records.
oProvision of VRF HVAC system that maintains a constant environment for long-term preservation of archive documents
oProvision of security system like 24/7 digital CCTV coverage, anti-intrusion alarm, enforced controls on access to ensure the safety of the archival documents